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At a press conference following a closed door meeting with Russian authoritarian President Vladimir Putin on July 16 in Helsinki, Trump rejected the findings of his own U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia was responsible for the attacks on the 2016 election and instead readily accepted Putin’s denial. His obsequious deference to Putin over American law enforcement, in front of the world, undermines all efforts to hold Russia accountable and protect the United States. In choosing to side with Russia he empowers them, and other actors, to do it again in 2018 without consequence.

Trump’s disgraceful denial of the Russian cyberattack came 3 days after Mueller indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for hacking the DNC in 2016 and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats called the threat of more Russian cyberattacks persistent and pervasive, cautioning that “The warning signs are there. The system is blinking. And it is why I believe we are at a critical point.” Despite these warnings, the United States government appears to be willfully resisting any preparation to withstand such attacks. The head of the FBI task force overseeing election security resigned after being told he had “too much cybersecurity experience” to be replaced by an agent with no experience, and many in the Trump administration simply choose not to address cybersecurity issues because doing so will anger Trump.

Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle responded to Trump’s rejection of U.S. intelligence and odious trust in Putin with statements of disapproval, but statements will not protect us from cybersecurity attacks. Congress must act in concrete ways to hold Trump accountable for his dangerous rejection of U.S. intelligence and to prevent another attack.

Contact Mike Turner today and demand that he hold Trump accountable for his actions.

D.C.: 202-225-6465

Dayton: 937-225-2843

Call Script

Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from Dayton. I live at [ADDRESS].

I’m calling to express my extreme disapproval of Trump’s denial that Russia was responsible for the 2016 election attacks. I ask that Rep. Michael R. Turner immediately counter these dangerous and unpatriotic comments by supporting the following actions:

  • Increase sanctions on Russia and make sure there are no loopholes;
  • Pressure Trump to have the 12 indicted Russian nationals extradited to the U.S.;
  • Hold hearings with U.S. intelligence officials on what has and has not been done to prevent further cyberattacks;
  • Stop attacks on the Mueller investigation and demand that Trump be interviewed.

Thank you for your time and attention.